Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Been a while. . .

Hey there,
thought I'd get caught up on my blog as Ro wanted to edit his (maxsloopymooch) and I'm off sick from work at the mo so have a bit of time to do these things!
We've all had horrid colds, poor Josh has had a rattly chest for a week, Phil has been suffering too and has had continual headaches too, I just managed through a gig on Sunday and really started croaking yesterday. Ro somehow got away with a light cough, I think the virus mutated inside him before he gave it to us.
Talking of mutants, Sybil the cat is much better she looks a lot less gruesome than she did, I'll post a pic when I can get her to lie still on the scanner. Caber (The Dog) does have to have his lump removed as it has started to ulcerate. He's in on Thursday, then we'll put him to work cleaning chimneys or something to pay for it.
Poor Hammie-Ham-Jo died suddenly one night. I think I was more upset than Ro, Josh helped me bury him and everything, dragging his reluctant big bro with him to chose where. I'm sorry if this seems too soon, but we have another hamster now. Also called Hammie-Ham-Jo, some Kids have no sentimentality.
On the same day as buying the new hamster I bought Josh 2 new fish (Called "Becky" and "Becky". I said that was good because he wouldn't know which was which, they then became "Becky" and "Which" - How brilliant is that?!) Unfortunately Becky and Which didn't last the night, Our horrid solitary other fish (A ciclid or something - which I think is called "fire-engine")
must have assassinated them.
Anyway enough of pets!! Ro has decided he wants to be an artist so is very excited about his first exhibition. (He had the idea tonight and wants to turn his bedroom into a gallery tomorrow) He does a fab line in superheroes, really imaginative. The rest of the Powers are just snot and phlegm on legs. and the legs part only counts when you're standing up.
So, bet you're glad you read my update huh?! Hopefully it at least made you feel better for not having this cold yourself, at least you're not one of our pets.
: )

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