Saturday, March 7, 2009

Well, having just replied to Kelly's blog and thanked her for mentioning me on hers, I thought I'd better update my own!
My big news is that I'm going to Uni!!
Gonna b a student!
I've just been offered a place at Plymouth University to study Occupational Therapy, it's a full time 3-year degree course and it's what I have been wanting to do forever, now is a good time to take the plunge because Josh will be starting school. the ironic thing is my Dad has worked as a lecturer at Plymouth Uni for 32 years, and is leaving this July!! It's a good thing though because he'll be more able to help when I need someone to pick up the boys etc.
I am really looking forward to the course, every OT I've ever met just LOVES being an OT and it feels like the right direction for me. I am worried about the practical side of things though; how I'll cope with organising the kids, how I'm gong to get any housework done ever, whether we'll have enough money and things like that. I'm sure it will all fall into place.
As for the rest of the family, the boys are great. Ro has lost both his front so looks cheekier than ever! He has another tae kwando grading in a week to become a brown belt. Josh is spending his time between being batboy and a power ranger (lots of jumping about making swishing noises for both of these, with added cape for the former) Phil is growing his hair again (Yay!) obviously that doesn't take much of his time and effort, so he's filling in the rest by working, playing guitar, looking for cars (both our cars have been on their last wheels for a while now). He cooked me a really lovely meal the other night to celebrate my Uni place, it's great to feel so supported.
The animals are all looking great now after their traumatic year. Kaber has had a new lease of life after having his operation, Cybil is totally happy again (although I think she has lost some hearing - or gained some stubborness - not sure which) and we haven't killed this hamster yet. (we thought we had but we had just sent her into hibernation by turning the heating down - pet hamsters aren't meant to hibernate and it could have been dangerous. she's happy now though in her new spot in the kitchen nearer the rayburn).
A story that might be worth telling here is our snowy adventure. We were at Mum and Dads for a band rehearsal in 2 seperate cars (I had come straight from work) when Mum said it had started to snow and the weather reports said it could be heavy so we'd better go . Phil went with the boys and we said we'd meet at the garage for petrol and follow each other. It was quite a slippy slow road to the garage butI got there waited, no sign of the boys. I tried phoning, phoned Mum who hadn't heard anything, decided to set off slowly through the rapidly thickening snow in case the'd come off the road. Nearly back to bridestowe and still no sign. I manage to get through on the phone eventually and they are stuck in a back raod (Phil had decided to get home quickly). My car seemed to coping well so I said I'd come around the main roads and try to get to them. About an hour later I was not far from them when I came to a long dip in the road with cars all abandonned either side. I had to try so took it slowly and got to the bottom in a fairly controlled way. Up the other side was not so easy. I had to swing the steering side-to-side to get any grip at all and in this way edged up the hill. I couldn't make it though and had to abandon my car at the side and phoned the boys again. they were starting to panic, Phil hadn't managed to raise any neighbours and the boys were only wearing pyjamas. i had some warmer clothes etc for them and a sleeping bag in my car so packed a bag and started to walk to them. It was so beautiful, I have never seen snow like it. It was calf deep on the main road and still snowing heavily. I got to the boys (who were very happy to see me!) after maybe 1/2 hr later and told them I had passed a guest house sign, did they want to snuggle here in the car or try there? "Guest house please!!" So i trudge back to the guest house, the owner was still up luckily (it was gone midnight now) and said he would get a room ready, if we wanted to open the gates and drive in. . .I dont think so. . .have you seen outside in the last hour? AH! So back to the car, get the boys covered in coats and onto our backs to the safety of the guest house. It was knee deep now and the hardest thing to do! I don't know how Phil managed to carry Ro, it was one of those "keep going, keep going. . ." times. Anyway, a beautiful warm, clean dry room awaited us, with a kettle, TV, two very grateful boys , lots of hugs. It was almost like heaven. The guys at "Fairview Lodge" couldn't have been any nicer, and we had the most amazing cooked brakfast in the morning I have ever had! they even sat with they boys while me and Phil tried to dig my car out the next day.
Amazing. Sorry quite a long story, I'd not written it down before!
that's it for this installment! I hope to get round to another before I graduate.
Cheers All