Monday, October 20, 2008

Catching up

Hi there,
I have been asked to update the blog by people I see every day. Weird eh?
Well, that's life in the 2000's !!
So what's been going on? The boys are fab, Ro has been to beavers and made his "promise" to do his duty etc. Both Phil and I went to the ceremony and after the kid's promises the rather stern Scout Leader asked for all previous scouts / cubs / brownies to stand and restate thier promise. I very much enjoyed nudging Phil to his feet and watching him mumble something about God and the Queen. Hilarious! Ro ws great though, he was even given an extra bit to say and was the only boy who spoke without a microphone. Really clear and confident.
Josh is brill, still loving "scallywags" pre-school. He's getting pretty tired though and we're seeing a few PROPER tantrums!! Luckily these have only been at home so far, I'm yet to be watching a kicking-screaming boy throw himself on the floor of the supermarket. Well, not my own anyway. Theye are both onto Harry Potter at the moment which I am very happy about, and have even persuaded Ro to let me read him the books!! Yay! Josh runs about on a "broomstick" practising the "Swish and flick" of a wand. He even had a little scratch on his forehead which he said was his Harry Potter scar.
Me and Phil are trying to buckle down for winter, we are at the final stages of plumbing in the rayburn which I can't wait to light! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Update on the mutant animals - Cybil is looking much better, she got quite ill with infections in her ears but she's all fine now and much happier (although I get the feeling she's being bullied now by other cruel cats who don't know about valuing diversity, as she's not going outside much. I wouldn't mind but getting up for a pee in a cold bathroom is bad enough without the cat crap in the bath.)
Caber is well, despite carrying an "egg" on his leg as Josh calls it.
A new addition to our furry freak show is Hammy-Ham-Jo who, I discovered the other day, has lost a finger. Ro now remembers Hammy's toe looked "all bent" after he accidentally closed the cage door on his toes the other day. (Oouch!).
Well, I'll try to keep the blog more up to date in future as I keep remembering things I want to write but it's late, I'm tired and I guess there's a limit to how much you want to read in one go!
Till Next time
: )