Saturday, September 20, 2008

A selection of Power pics. . .

I haven't worked out how to set this out properly, there is no real reason for the cat to be at the top and Phil at the bottom. Maybe it's in "Attention received" order ; )

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Friday, September 19, 2008

A real, proper-job post

Ok so maybe "enjoys regular blogging" was an overstatement, but if its on a CV you're supposed to exaggerate right?!
So you actually wanna know about "The Powers that be from Devon"?
I'll tell you about our week.
Ro has been to school, just started in year 2, and he is really loving it. It's great because he found last year quite hard (being fairly new and moved up into class 2 early was quite a challenge for him) so it's fab that he's really happy and motivated now. He also went to Little Pumas (Tae kwon do) which he's been doing for a while. He has a grading on Monday and he will then be a blue belt - with more badges for me to sew onto his uniform!!
We also briefly visited cubs as we had to walk his friend down and Ro is now desperate to join the cubs. More blinking badges!!
Josh has just started preschool and is loving that too. It's a lovely preschool, it had an "Outstanding" ofsted report which is quite an achievement. I've noticed Josh being a little more independent since he's been going on his own this week. Happy to play on his own, walk slightly apart from me etc. It almost seems sad as i write it, but I'm actually really happy. He seems to have grown in confidence already. He still tells me he loves me a million times a day. "Mummy, I luff chew". I'll never tire of that!
Phil has been workin hard, although work seems a little quiet, his firm seem to be weathering this "credit crunch" better than many other local welding firms. (It bugs me that the "credit crunch" sounds like a bar of chocolate). It's always a double edged sword with overtime, if there is loads available, it's really tiring for Phil so when there is none it's great to have him home at a decent time, but we struggle a bit with the old moolah. (We could always feed the kids on credit-crunches)
I've been on a training course for two days this week (crisis prevention intervention) and on the other 3 days have had the lovely Orlagh here. (I share childcare with her Mum) She's just turned one, loads of fun and adored by the boys.
I got some lovely pictures of them all today, I haven't downloaded them yet though. When I do I'll get them on here.
Musically things have been great, after a load of fab gigs this summer, we have been keen to keep the momentum going, so a meeting with a PR lady this week was just what The Madding Crowd needed. She's going to get some work for us at some more suitable and better paid venues next year. Watch this space. . .
What else? The dog, cat, hamster and fish need a mention I guess. Especially poor Sybil the cat. She had her ears removed a couple of weeks ago (a type of skin cancer very common in white cats) and is looking very sorry for herself. They got horribly infected and despite antibiotics, basically exploded. Now that may sound gruesome to you, but you didn't have to go to the vets with her. So now there are no stitches left and nothing left to stitch, she is being left with higher dose antibiotics for the wounds to heal as they are . (Obviously whatever discomfort I feel looking at her is nothing to what she may be feeling - but she looks like a mangled ferret). Before any one calls for her to be put to sleep, she doesn't seem in any pain and is eating, purring, getting lots more attention than usual, so we're going to give her the best chance we can. Caber the dog should be having an operation too to remove a lump but I'm reluctant to put him through it at 12, and to be honest, none of this comes cheap. I can't feed my kids on credit-crunches forever. So if anyone want to see pics of my mutant pets, drop me a line. . .
Hmm, that's about it really for the mo.
The sun is shining for the whole weekend apparently so we promised the kids a night in the tent and a campfire. I'm so excited!! (Really, I am!)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Blogging Marvellous

Ok, so I'm now a blogger.
To be honest that doesn't sound great does it?!
I don't know if it is something I will proudly display on my C.V. "Enjoys regular Blogging..."
I guess it could be fun though, I can write whatever I like, whatever I feel knowing that even though the whole world will have access, nobody will read it.

Or will they?

You aren't you?

Yikes, this is not for the paranoid is it?

Don't answer that. . .